'Barclays Bank' | Commercial

Comissioned to produce a series of online social media commercials by Barclays for use across Facebook, Instagram and Snapchap.

I created and directed this set of commercials for Barclays, targeting younger bank customers. These adverts showcased the latest features of Barclays’ banking app, designed to resonate with a tech-savvy audience accustomed to digital convenience.

These were strategically deployed across major social platforms – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat – to ensure maximum visibility. This choice of platforms was key, as they are where our target audience spends a significant amount of their time, thus enabling us to effectively communicate the app’s benefits and features directly to them.

In essence, this project was about bridging the gap between traditional banking and the digital expectations of younger customers, making banking more accessible, intuitive, and in tune with their lifestyle. The commercials not only highlighted the app’s features but also positioned Barclays as a forward-thinking bank attuned to the needs and lifestyle of a digital generation.


